Ltd. for Corrosion Protection
and Analysis

H-8200 Veszprém, Wartha V. u. 1/2.
(GPS: 47.085012, 17.901677)
Tel/fax: 0036-88/428-514

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Soil corrosion expertation, planning and building cathodic protection systems

Cathodic protection of petrol station tanks for OMV, SHELL, PRÍMAGÁZ, Várpalotai Volán, MOL (6 location), ESSO (16 location) and AGIP (1 location). Protection of UNIWATT and Thermoszervíz tank with Mg anode.
Experimental internal Mg anodic protection of autoclaves at Baumit Ltd. Visonta.

Ground side cathodic protection of large standing tanks for MOL (7 location), PETROTAR, DUNATÁR and Mátravidéki Erőmű.

Internal cathodic protection of steel tanks used for purification of sewage water and internal-external cathodic protection of gas storage tanks in FEJÉRVÍZ Székesfehérvár and Dunamenti Regionális Vízmű Vác. Internal cathodic protection of reserve water tanks for Mátravidéki Erőmű power station. Internal cathodic protection of water tanks for GM Hungary Szentgotthárd plant.

Cathodic protection of pipelines for Dorogi Szemétégető (incinerator), Fővárosi Gázművek (gas works), KÖGÁZ (gas works), AL-ZARA Hőerőmű (power station, Syria), Mátravidéki Erőmű (power station), Agroferm Zrt. and Bakonykarszt (waterworks).

Acis Ltd. Stray current test at Budapest OMV petrol station
Alterra Építőipari Ltd. Stray current endangering of Rocla pipe sewer
Corrocont Ltd. Classification of soil samples of central-hungarian gas pipelines
Corrocont Ltd. Corrosion qualification of sea water sample
Corrocont Ltd. Corrosion classification of soil samples
Corrocont Slovakia s.r.o. Corrosion qualification of soil samples in Temerin nuclear power plant gas pipeline (105 pcs)
Corrocont Slovakia s.r.o. Anode bedding coke qualification
Esso Ltd. Stray-current examinations on 20 planned filling station area
FORIMEX Ltd. Corrosion qualification of 39 pieces of desert soil samples
Moltelecom Ltd. Cable corrosion examination in  Szolnok, Algyő and Cegléd
Nagyhegyesi Állattenyésztő Ltd. Stray current tests
PETROLSZOLG Ltd. Corrosion qualification of soil samples of gas pipelines
Rock Solid Ltd., Australia Corrosion test of soil samples from Melbourne, Perth and Sidney