Ltd. for Corrosion Protection
and Analysis

H-8200 Veszprém, Wartha V. u. 1/2.
(GPS: 47.085012, 17.901677)
Tel/fax: 0036-88/428-514

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Laboratory corrosion tests

ABB Ltd. Corrosion test of galvanized electrical parts
AFT Hungary Ltd. Corrosion test of samples
Akzo Nobel Inc. Effect of liquid propane gas for coated tanks
Alcoa Köfém Ltd. Corrosion examination of aluminium profiles
ALUFE Fémszerkezeti Ltd. Analytical examination of discoloration on the surface of  aluminum window frame
Alumínium Felületkezelők
Magyarországi Szövetsége
Corrosion test of sample plates (in 3 cases)
AMTEK Inc. Corrosion test of galvanized motor-car industry parts
Aquadit Hungary Ltd. Examination of galvanic layer of metal axis of stadium plastic chair
Arconic-Köfém Ltd. Examination of spots on the surface of an aluminum wheel
Biolon Ltd. Corrosion test of Thermofríz antifreezing agent
Bíró Ltd. Corrosion test of galvanized samples
BorgWarner Oroszlány Ltd. Examination of the durability of a laser DM code on a compressor house under the influence of salt-spray
BOSAL-ORIS Hungary Ltd. Coating test guidance
Bourns Ltd. Corrosion test of samples (in 3 cases)
Bufab Hungary Kft. EDAX examination of plates
Chinoin Inc. Corrosion test of KO36 Ti autoclaves
Chinoin Inc. Corrosion effect examination of mother solution
Chinoin Inc. Corrosion examination of vacuum dryer
Chinoin Inc. Material selection of vacuum dryer
Chinoin Inc. Examination of probable corrosion effect of industrial wastewater
Chinoin Inc. Structure material selection for medicine production
Claas Hungary Ltd. Laboratory testing and qualification of coating
CNC Rapid Ltd. Corrosion test of parts
COMEL S.P.A. Corrosion test of samples
Contact Center Service Ltd. Satellite Dish corrosion testing
CONTITECH RUBBER INDUSTRIAL Ltd. Corrosion examination of oil industrial rubber hoses
CONTITECH RUBBER INDUSTRIAL Ltd. HIC test of steel specimens
CONTITECH RUBBER INDUSTRIAL Ltd. Sulfide Stress Cracking (SSC) test of steel specimens
Csejtei Fém-Vill. Ltd. Corrosion test of galvanized electrical parts
DANA HUNGARY Ltd. Examination of autospares (in 35 cases)
DANA HUNGARY Ltd. Examination of damaged aluminium pipe
DANA HUNGARY Ltd. Analysis of aluminium grains
DANA HUNGARY Ltd. Comparative analysis of aluminium base plates
DANA HUNGARY Ltd. Corrosion test of coated samples (in 9 cases)
Denso Hungary Ltd. Examination of blotched auto parts
Denso Hungary Ltd. Car parts corrosion testing
DKG-EAST Inc. Periodic certification of above ground and underground coatings
DKG-EAST Inc. AASS (acetic acid salt spray) test of metal samples (in 2 cases)
DKG-EAST Inc. Sulfide Stress Cracking (SSC) test of steel specimens
Dunatár Kőolajterméktároló Ltd. Analysis of ethanol samples
Duro Dakoviæ Proizvodnja Opreme HIC test of steel parts
EGI Inc. Evaluation of atmospheric corrosion coupons
Ejt Ltd. Corrosion testing of coating system
Electrolux Lehel Inc. Corrosion test of refrigerator parts
Elektro-Plastik Ltd. Examination of electrical parts in SO2 atmosphere
Elzett-Sopron Felületkezelő Ltd. Corrosion examination of part (in 2 cases)
Emerson A.S. Corrosion test of samples (in 7 cases)
Emerson Network Power Energy System NM Corrosion test of samples
ENSI Ltd. Elemental analysis of rust detected on heat exchanger stainless steel plate sample surface
EPCOS Ltd. Ammonia test for stress corrosion resistance of copper screws
Exasol Ltd. Corrosion test of samples
Fémalk Inc. Corrosion test of anodized parts (in 4 cases)
Fémtiszta Ltd. Testing the resistance against liquid of a coating applied on steel plate
Ferilia Ltd. Corrosion effect examination of "Fert Ice" ice melting liquid
FERZOL Lemezmegmunkáló Ltd. Corrosion test of samples (in 3 cases)
Federal Mogul Hungary Ltd. Coating test of autospare
Festékipari Kutató Ltd. Examination of coated samples
Fibex Ltd. Environmental test of inside wall phone box
Flabeg Ltd. Corrosion test of mirror samples
Galvanplastik Ltd. Corrosion test of chrome-plated or nickel-plated plastic parts (in 4 cases)
GANZ Meter Company Ltd. Stress corrosion test of brass samples
Ganzeg Ltd. Corrosion test of coatings (in 3 cases)
GE Hungary Ltd. Examination of rusty parts
GEA EGI Energiagazdálkodási Inc. Corrosion of steel pipe samples in industrial cooling water
GEDIA Hungary Ltd. Examination of KTL coating of part
GEDIA Hungary Ltd. Examination of corrosion of auto parts
Geomine a.s. Corrosion test of samples
Gestamp Hungária Ltd. Corrosion examination of parts (in 16 cases)
Gestamp Hungária Ltd. Examination of phosphate layer of KTL painted and unpainted engine holder parts
GIS Europe SE Filiform corrosion test of samples
Gönczi és Fia Ltd. HIC test of steel samples
Grundfos Hungary Ltd. Salt-spray test of parts
GSI HUNGARY Ltd. Comparative corrosion testing of galvanized, welded and painted plates
Heat-Gázgép Ltd. SSC tests of steel material
Heat-Gázgép Ltd. HIC test of steel samples
Héfal Ltd. Corrosion testing of samples
Helios Slovenija Oil resistance testing of tank internal coating
Henelit International Ltd. Accelerated corrosion test of coating systems
Hermann Felületkezelő és Szolgáltató Ltd. Corrosion testing of galvanized parts
HIDRA-SOR Ltd. Corrosion testing of chromium-hardened rod component samples
Hilti Ltd. Corrosion test of Hilti drill bit and chisel (in 2 cases)
Hirtenberger Automotive
Safety Hungary Dep. Co.
Examination of the coating of Zn–Ni surface treated steel pipes
Hirtenberger Automotive
Safety Hungary Dep. Co.
Electron microscope examination of pop rivets
Hoesch Építőelemek Ltd. Coating test of steel sandwich panels
Holimex Ltd. Corrosion effect examination of copper silt
Huncont Ltd. Corrosion test of parts
IBV Hungária Ltd. Comparative corrosion test of samples
Ikarus Bus Inc. Corrosion examinations of sealants and painted plates
Impreglon Ltd. Corrosion test of coating of autospares (in 11 cases)
Impreglon Ltd. Corrosion test of KTL-coated aluminium material pieces
Inotal Inc. Corrosion testing of aluminum profiles
Innoveng1 Ltd. Corrosion examination of Innocold-A liquid coolant
Interex-Waga Ltd. Examination of Delta-Magni bolts
Magyarországi Fióktelepe
Analysis of drainage cleaning products
Intertek Semco AB, Sweden Corrosion testing of samples
JOST Hungária Dep. Co. Corrosion tests of samples (in 2 cases)
Kanizsa Trend Ltd. Examination of chair-leg metal coating
Kapos Atlas Gépgyár Ltd. Corrosion test of coated samples (in 3 cases)
Kaposvári Villamossági Gyár Ltd. Corrosion tests
KEVEVILL Ltd. Examination of electrical part in SO2 atmosphere
Kirchhoff Hungária Ltd. Corrosion test of radius rods
Koloman Handler Ltd. Corrosion examination of clip-binder mechanism
Kompozit KKT Corrosion test of inhibitors
KLEIN Ltd. Drying and spreading test of primer
Kenvéd Ltd. Coating test of autospare
Kenvéd Ltd. Corrosion test of KTL coated material sample pieces (in 2 cases)
Knuerr s.r.o. Corrosion test of samples
KÖZVILLSZER Ltd. Corrosion test of galvanized electrical parts
KVJ Művek Inc. Corrosion test of samples (in 3 cases)
Lear Hungary Ltd. Examination of autospares (23 cases)
Lédem 2000 Ltd. Corrosion test of parts
Lindab Butler Ltd. Qualifying test of two coating systems
LOG Olajipari Gépgyár Inc. HIC test of steel parts
MAPEI Ltd. Corrosion test of insulation system with steel sample plate
Mecanova Fémlemezgyártó Ltd. Corrosion test of painted samples (in 2 cases)
MEDRES Ltd. Corrosion test of samples (in 2 cases)
MEDRES Orvosi Eszközfejlesztő
és Tervező Ltd.
Examination of technologies applicable for chemical surface treatment and passivation of parts
MEGAWATT Ltd. Corrosion test of fuse holder device with heat sink
Megépszer Ltd. Qualification testing of two coating systems
MIPA Hungária Ltd. Paint tests
MOL Inc. Examination of cooling system of gas injection engines
Motokrom Ltd. Corrosion test of samples (in 2 cases)
Murexin Ltd. Examination of synthetic resin floor
MVM OVIT Inc. HIC test of steel samples
NCH Hungary Ltd. Corrosion examination of CHEM-AQUA 180 boiler treating agent
NCH Hungary Ltd. Examination of steam-space inhibitor efficiency
Nilfisk-Advance Termelő Ltd. Corrosion test of metal springs
Nitrogénművek Inc. Corrosion test of Zeokal salt used for roads
Nyír-Mix-Trade Ltd. Corrosion test of galvanized electrical parts
Nivovas Ltd. Corrosion testing of samples
Nordic-Chem Ltd. Paints analytical and IR testing (in 2 cases)
NORMA Group Southeast Europe LLC Corrosion examination of urea tube system failures
NORMA Group Southeast Europe LLC Corrosion examination of connenctions
Oiltech Ltd. HIC test of steel parts
Ojala Group Corrosion test of samples
OT INDUSTRIES – KVV Corrosion test of a water sample obtained from a double space of vertical tank
Outokumpu Ltd. Corrosion test of stainless steel samples
PANNERGY Geotermikus Erőművek Inc. Analytical and contact corrosion testing of compressor pipes
Pannon Egyetem (University of Pannonia) Corrosion test of antifreeze compounds
Pepperl+Fuchs Ltd. Corrosion test of samples (in 2 cases)
Pepperl+Fuchs Ltd. Chemical resistance test of connectors
Phoenix Ltd. Corrosion examinations of oil industry rubber hoses
Pintér Művek Hydrogen inducted corrosion test of steel samples (HIC test)
Pml Ltd. Corrosion test of aluminium bridge parts
Poppe&Potthoff Dep. Co. Examination of autospare (CASS test)
Poppe + Potthoff Hungária Ltd. Examination of corrosion of fuel hose
PPG Magyarország Ltd. Cyclic corrosion testing of samples
Pridgeon&Clay Ltd. Corrosion test of parts (6 times)
PROLONGO Dep. Co. Anti corrosion effect examination of METABOND products
QSCH Ltd. Corrosion testing of samples
Rába Jármű Ltd. Expired paints examination
Rába Jármű Ltd. Comparative study of two coating systems
Rejlek Metal Ltd. Corrosion test of galvanized electrical parts
Rega Metall Ltd. Corrosion examination of galvanized parts (SO2)
Rega Metall Fémfeldogozó Ltd. CASS test of parts (in 2 cases)
Ruget Magyarország Ltd. Coating corrosion testing
Sanmina Ltd. Corrosion test of equipment box parts and sample plates (in 2 cases)
Sanofi-Aventis Inc. Comparative corrosion test of metallic structural materials
SAPA Profiles Ltd. Corrosion test of aluminium parts (in 24 cases)
SAPA Profiles Ltd. Electron microscopy and infrared spectroscopy of anodized aluminum profiles
SAPA Profiles Ltd. Comparative examinations of oil contamination on the surface of profiles and two oil samples
SAPA Profiles Ltd. Color and brightness measurement of aluminum samples
SBS Ltd. Corrosion test of coatings (in 5 cases)
Sealtech Ipari Tömítéstechnikai
és Kereskedelmi Dep. Co.
Corroson test of samples
Siemens Inc. Comparative test of paints
Siemens Inc. Corrosion testing of coating system
Siemens Transzformátor Inc. Comparative analysis of Coating Systems
Siemens Transzformátor Inc. Corrosion test of coating systems (in 4 cases)
Siemens Transzformátor Inc. Corrosion examination of anodic aluminium data plates
Siemens Inc. Xenon test of low-voltage resin bushings
Siemens Zrt. Transzformer Division DB Accelerated corrosion testing of galvanized and duplex plates
Smart Trading Company s.r.o. Corrosion test of samples (in 2 cases)
SMR Dep. Co. Painting technology assessment of car mirror parts
SMR Dep. Co. Analytical testing of auxiliary materials for painting technology
SMR Dep. Co. Examination of paint cratering of auto mirrors
S-Pyrotech Ltd. Corrosion test of samples
Sróf Kereskedelmi Ltd. Electron microscopic examination of corrosion product on the surface of a screws
Surgrx Passivity test of steel parts
Schneider Electric Inc. Corrosion test of galvanized electrical parts
Széchenyi University Corrosion testing of samples
TECHNOCAR Ltd. Corrosion test of parts
Techflow Flexibles Yantai Limited, China Corrosion examination of oil industrial rubber hoses
Teqball Ltd. Corrosion test of Teqball sport table
Tiszai Gépgyár Ltd. Hydrogen corrosion testing of steel samples (HIC test)
Tom-Ferr Inc. Corrosion examination of galvanized and trivalent chromium-coated parts (in 2 cases)
TÜV NORD-KTI Ltd. Corrosion test of postal bicycle
TÜV NORD-KTI Ltd. Bicycle rear hub corrosion testing
TÜV Rheinland InterCert Ltd. Analytical examination of material of unknown origin
TÜV Rheinland InterCert Ltd. Brazing rod material analysis
TÜV Rheinland InterCert Ltd. Determination of lead content of anti-vibration hard rubber
TÜV Rheinland InterCert Ltd. Analysis of energetic contact materials (silver–graphite tapes)
TVD – Technická výroba, a.s. Corrosion test of samples
U-Sin Europe Ltd. Corrosion testing of samples (in 4 cases)
UVILL Ltd. Corrosion test of galvanized parts
VABEKO Ltd. Laboratory tests required to qualifying a coating system
Ventrade Épületgépészeti Ltd. Analytical examination of contamination originated from heating system filter
University of Veszprém Calculating inhibitor efficiency of GH174 material
Videoton Ltd. Corrosion test of integrated circuits
Villamosipari ISONET Ltd. Corrosion test of heat sink fuse holder device
Vincotech Hungary Ltd. Corrosion examination of printed circuit panels (mixed gas) (in 4 cases)
Visteon Ltd. Examination of fuel pumps and fuel level indicators (71 cases)
Visteon Ltd. Material analysis of LCD display contact
VTES Ltd. Corrosion test of samples
WAG Hungria Ltd. Measuring of corrosion rate in water
WAG Hungria Ltd. Control of corrosion of cooling water circuit with coupon
Wild Manufacturing Dep. Co. Corrosion test of parts (in 3 cases)
WSW Proding Ltd. Examination of spotted copper parts